Courses Overview
We provide courses ranging from 1 day to 5 days that deliver training covering basics of ICS security through to a wide variety of attacks and defences. We also offer bespoke courses tailored to the needs of an organisation. All courses include hands-on training on the state-of-the-art equipment that we utilise. This also provides attendees a unique opportunity to experience attacks and defences for industrial control systems security on devices and platforms used in real-world systems.
Course Examples
Introduction to ICS Security for IT Security Professionals
This one day course provides IT security professionals a first foray into industrial control systems security, introducing the architectures, devices and communication protocols typically used, the security tools required to study attacks and their impacts, and hands-on experience with basic asset discovery and vulnerability exploitation.
Establishing a Security Baseline of an ICS environment
This two day course trains attendees in basics of ICS security, followed by experience with asset discovery tools and techniques, developing a detailed understanding of the protocols used for communication and their vulnerabilities as well as traffic capture and analysis. Case studies provide a tailored understanding of vulnerabilities and their impact on the safety and operation of the ICS infrastructure.
Hands-on with Attacks against ICS
This four day course covers the security baselining course and builds on it to provide hands-on training on attacks against Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), SCADA systems, Human-Machine Interfaces (HMIs) and different classes of wired and wireless network attacks.
ICS Security for Safety Engineers
This two day course covers the basics of cyber security and provides experience of ethical hacking tools followed by training on security vulnerabilities in ICS and the safety impact of attacks.